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Our Pastors

The Rev. Canon Milton Barry was born and raised in Regina, Saskatchewan. After graduating from the University of Saskatchewan, he studied at Trinity College, Toronto, where he earned his degree in Divinity. He was ordained deacon in November 1968, then priested in May 1969. He was first appointed to a seven-point parish within the Diocese of Qu'Appelle centered around Wolesley, Saskatchewan (for two years) and then spent two years in the parish of St. Mary’s, Whitewood, Saskatchewan. In August 1973 he became the Associate Priest at St. Thomas’ Church, Huron Street, Toronto. Following this, he was named Rector of St. Paul’s, Lorne Park, Mississauga (1976), and then Rector of All Saints Church Peterborough, in 1982. That church suffered a devastating fire in 1983 but was able to reopen just thirteen months later. He was named Rector of Grace Church-on-the-Hill, Toronto, in September 1991.


In 2009, Canon Barry and his wife, Shirley, retired to Peterborough, where he was appointed an Honorary Assistant to All Saints Church. Reflecting his long commitment to ecumenical efforts, Canon Barry became the Interim Pastor of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Peterborough from January until November 2012. In 2010 he was named Chair of the Communications and Information Resources Committee for the Anglican Church of Canada, and ended 9 years of service to the National Church in 2014.


He was appointed to St. James Emily in September 2015 as priest-in-charge.


The Rev. Frank Tyrrell is a vocational deacon and member of St. James. In addition to conducting Morning Prayer services on occasion, he assists at many of the celebrations of the Holy Eucharist. He is active in a prison ministry in Lindsay and serves the Diocese in various ways, especially in reconciliation ministry to Indigenous Communities.


David Rook-Green has been a diocesan Lay Reader for many years, connected to the parish of St. Barnabas in Peterborough. With the closing of that parish, he has been appointed as a Lay Reader to St. James.


Lynda McCall is a member of St. James and a licensed Lay Reader. She was commissioned in 1989. It has been her privilege to lead Morning Prayer services throughout the year. Lynda plays an active role in parish life and shares the responsibility of ACW president with Cathy Millen. For many years Lynda has been a Director at the Emily Cemetery and is honoured to serve her community in this capacity.


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